Dan Cullen-Shute

Creature win Atom Bank

Dan Cullen-Shute
Creature win Atom Bank

Atom, the UK’s first bank built for mobile, has appointed independent advertising agency Creature as its lead strategic and creative agency.

Creature will be responsible for evolving and developing Atom’s brand platform, built on the bank’s reputation of doing what’s right for customers.

This partnership comes at an important moment in Atom’s history as they head towards IPO, having recently raised more than £75mn in funding. Edward Twiddy, Chief Customer Officer at Atom explains:

“2021 was a hugely successful year for the brand. We’ve achieved a number of important financial milestones including operating break even, maintained our excellent reputation with our customers and pioneered the future of work as the biggest company in the UK to introduce a 4-day working week. We’re now working towards the next big moments in Atom’s history, whilst driving the success of the brand as the leading option for people looking to save for their future, own their own home and grow their own business.”

Leigh Peacock-Goodwin, Head of Marketing & PR at Atom continues “Creature is the agency to help us do this. They’re a bright, talented and tenacious bunch whose values are really closely aligned to our own. Coupled with a great track record of helping brands develop a distinct voice that cuts through in the market, we are incredibly excited to start working with them.”

Dan Cullen-Shute, CEO at Creature adds “In a world that's never been more desperate for a bank that works for them, and that actually does things differently, it's an absolute bloody joy to be working with Atom - a bank that understands that banking itself isn't the issue, it is what banks do to make life faster, easier and provide more value to their customers. They're changing the world, both financial and real, and we couldn't be more chuffed to be joining them for the ride.”